Friday, October 14, 2005

Moving adverts on paper coming soon according to Siemens

Another (small) step towards electronic paper and away from dead tree paper.

Researchers at Siemens have developed a printable interactive display with a similar thickness to paper.

The display consists of a layer of electrochromic material sandwiched between two electrode layers. The material changes from one colour to another when stimulated by an electric current. The top electrode layer is made from transparent plastic, so the display can be seen clearly through it.

Read the whole article.

Electronic painting with the I/O Brush

I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by "picking up" and drawing with them. I/O Brush looks like a regular physical paintbrush but has a small video camera with lights and touch sensors embedded inside. Outside of the drawing canvas, the brush can pick up color, texture, and movement of a brushed surface. On the canvas, artists can draw with the special "ink" they just picked up from their immediate environment.

Read more about it at MIT just click here.

I/O Brush
High Resolution MPEG [27MB]
Low Resolution Quicktime [9MB]