Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Open Workbench the open source project planning tool

This is a good alternative for MS Project. It is a standalone version for a enterprise solution (work on project planning with a team) you need to upgrade to Clarity. However most of us use MS Project as a standalone app and Open Workbench seems to have pretty much the same functionality but it does takes a bit of time to get used too.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sudoku nice puzzles to train the mind

Try a puzzle at www.websudoku.com

or download the free open source sudoku game

If you cannot solve the puzzle let the computer solve it for you with the use of the SudokuSolver.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Virtual reality sphere

Virtual reality software in combination with this sphere let's you run, walk and crawl through a virtual world. To bad the company puts the focus on military training when there are so many more possibilities.
