Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ground-breaking windpipe-transplant child 'doing well'

The first child to have pioneering surgery to rebuild his windpipe with his own stem cells is doing well and is back in school.

Instead of growing a new windpipe, they took a donor windpipe and stripped it of all the donor's cells. What was left was a three-dimensional web of collagen fibres which was transplanted into Ciaran. Meanwhile, stem cells, which can become any other type of cell, from nerve to skin cells, were taken from Ciaran's bone marrow. These were then sprayed onto the newly transplanted windpipe. The surgery had been tried once before in Spain, in 2008, on a 30-year-old woman, but Ciaran was the first child.

Surgeon, Prof Martin Birchall, speaking in 2010: "It could replace transplantation"
He has been monitored for the past two years and the details have been published in the Lancet.


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