Monday, January 21, 2013

Leprosy bacteria use 'biological alchemy'

Infectious bacteria have for the first time been caught performing "biological alchemy" to transform parts of a host body into those more suited to their purposes, by a team in Edinburgh.

The study, in the journal Cell, showed leprosy-causing bacteria turning nerves into stem cells and muscle.

The authors said the "clever and sophisticated" technique could further therapies and stem-cell research.

Prof Rambukkana also believes it is "probable" that other species of bacteria would have evolved the same ability to reprogramme their host.

Prof Chris Mason, a specialist in stem cell research at University College London, said: "The ability of bacteria to convert one mammalian cell type to another is 'alchemy' by nature on a grand scale.

"The next essential step is to translate this valuable piece of knowledge into tangible benefits for patients - a process that may take a decade before its relevance to clinical medicine is fully understood."

Prof Diana Lockwood, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: "Their finding that bacteria can reprogramme cells is very interesting and exciting."

Dr Rob Buckle, head of regenerative medicine at the Medical Research Council, said: "This discovery is important not just for our understanding and treatment of bacterial disease, but for the rapidly progressing field of regenerative medicine."


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